The Egret - Volume 34 - Number 4 - December 2018 |
TD Tree Days Windsor 2018 |
Gina Pannunzio, Kelly Laforest, Claire Sanders and Ian Naisbitt
On Saturday, 20 October, TD Bank sponsored their TD Tree Day program by inviting our Windsor-Essex community to help TD employees plant trees. Groups that participated included: City of Windsor, Detroit River Canadian Cleanup, Essex Region Conservation Authority, Essex County Nature – Little River Enhancement Group, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and Caesars Windsor – CodeGreen.
ECFNC Blue Kestrel Cafe at the Hawk Festival |
By JoAnn Grondin
The Planning Committee for this fund raiser met at a local restaurant on July 30th. Planning the event were Cathy Lapain, Carl Maiolani, Andy Paul, Aileen Petrozzi and myself. Here we decide who is going to bring what to Holiday Beach.
Seed Collection for Future Forests |
By Gina Pannunzio
Windsor-Essex County is part of the most biodiverse area in all of Canada, the Carolinian Life Zone. This area is home to just over 70 native trees and shrubs that create unique forested landscapes and habitat. While the Essex Region Conservation Authority has planted more than 6 million trees and achieved 8.5% natural areas coverage, more action is needed to reach our 12% target by 2020.
Essex County Nature Annual Dinner 2018 |
By JoAnn Grondin
Our Annual Dinner went very well thanks to our volunteers, those who attended, our speaker Tom Hince and our MC Steve Marks. It was a very pleasant evening and I have lots of people to thank. Without their help, this dinner could not take place. So, thank you to...
Donations to the Annual Dinner, Silent Auction, November 3 2018
By JoAnn Grondin
Thank you to all of those who generously donated to the ECFNC's 34th Annual Dinner silent auction!
Swift Night Out in Farmington Hills, Michigan |
By Jeremy Hatt
Each year, the Detroit Audubon Society holds a Swift Night Out at the “Swift Sanctuary” at 31505 Grand River Avenue in Farmington Hills, Michigan. In 2018, the event was held on September 22 and eight ECFNC members attended. The group carpooled in two vehicles from Windsor.
By Gina Pannunzio
The Leamington TD Tree Days community planting took place on a new Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) restoration site in the Lebo Creek watershed near Hillman Marsh.
Summary from BioBlitz at Point Pelee National Park
By Staff at Point Pelee National Park
This year was the 100th birthday of Point Pelee National Park (1918 – 2018). To help commemorate the occasion, several signature events occurred in the park throughout the year. On the weekend of July 21-22, 2018, a special Point Pelee 100 BioBlitz was held from 12:00 noon on July 21 to 12:00 noon on July 22. This was the first All Taxa BioBlitz in Point Pelee National Park and it encompassed the entire park.
By Gina Pannunzio
Thanks to the Friends of Ojibway Prairie, those who attended the tree identification hike on November 17 got a lesson on basic tree identification for common trees growing in the Carolinian woods. Leaves definitely makes tree identification easier, especially in the spring and fall when they are fresh or showing off their vibrant colours. |
Earth Day Community Planting 2019 |
By Gina Pannunzio
An active community involved in restoring the Detroit River watershed is critical to meeting conservation goals. Both Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) and the Detroit River Canadian Cleanup (DRCC) support community cleanups and tree planting activities across the watershed with many different partners.
For full details and the latest updates, visit www.essexcountynature.com/events
ECFNC Member Meeting
Wednesday December 12 2018, Ojibway Nature Centre, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor, ON 7:30pm.
Come and share photos and stories related to your nature experiences and sightings. This is a relaxed evening of club member participation and pre-holiday mirth. Please join us for some light refreshments and social time. *If you would like to share photos, please bring them on a USB drive.
Upcoming Christmas Bird Counts
Multiple dates and locations.
Saturday December 15 2018, Cedar Creek (Harrow-Essex-Kingsville)
Karen Cedar, kcedar@citywindsor.ca
Sunday December 16 2018, Blenheim (Rondeau)
Keith Burk, keithburk2@xplornet.com
Monday December 17 2018, Point Pelee (Leamington-Wheatley)
Sarah Rupert, sarah.rupert@pc.gc.ca
Saturday December 22 2018, Lakeshore (Tecumseh-Belle River)
Glenn Gervais, eaglecoach@cogeco.ca
Saturday December 29 2018, Holiday Beach (Amherstburg-LaSalle)
Jeremy Hatt, hattjeremy@hotmail.com
Tuesday January 1 2018, Detroit River, MI (Ojibway-Windsor)
Karen Cedar, kcedar@citywindsor.ca |
Canada Waterscapes Exhibit: Yours to Enjoy, Explore and Protect
September 15 to December 31 2018, Chimczuk Museum, 401 Riverside Drive west, Windsor, ON.
All about Canadian waterways and the life they support, with some local content highlighting the Detroit River. |
The Living River Project: Art, Water and Possible Worlds
Ongoing, Art Gallery of Windsor, 401 Riverside Drive west, Windsor, ON.
In the The Living River Project: Art, Water and Possible Worlds, co-curators Patrick Mahon and Stuart Reid build on previous iterations of the exhibition to consider the cultural, historical and environmental significance of water issues in the Windsor-Detroit corridor.
67th Annual Christmas Bird Count
Monday December 17 2018, Point Pelee National Park, 1118 Point Pelee Dr, Leamington, ON.
Dear Bird Enthusiast,
The 67th Annual Point Pelee National Park Christmas Bird Count will be held on Monday, December 17, 2018.
We are asking for your help to assist the National Audubon Society and Bird Studies Canada in gathering information about winter bird populations and distributions in North America. You will be among the more than 50 000 volunteers participating in the 118th Christmas Bird Count season around Canada, the United States and other parts of the world.
The count generally runs from dawn to dusk (though earlier for those listening and looking for owls!) and all counters are invited back to the Visitor Centre for refreshments, courtesy of the Friends of Point Pelee, and a wrap-up of the day’s sightings.
Included is a map of the Christmas Bird Count circle and the count areas within the circle. If you would like to participate, please call or email Sarah Rupert (519) 322-5700, ext. 3323 or Sarah.Rupert@canada.ca with your area preference. We will try and accommodate the requests, but some reassignments may be necessary.
Please respond by December 15th, 2018 if you plan to participate in this year’s count. Pass this invitation along to anyone else you know who might be interested. We look forward to seeing you in December. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
Sarah Rupert
Promotion Officer, Point Pelee National Parks Canada AgencyParks Canada / Government of Canada |
Xmas Bird Count
Saturday December 29 2019, Holiday Beach Conservation Area, 6952 Amherstburg, ON, 8am.
Started in 1900, the Christmas Bird Count is North America's longest-running Citizen Science project. Counts happen in over 2000 localities throughout the Western Hemisphere. The information collected by thousands of volunteer participants forms one of the world's largest sets of wildlife survey data. The results are used daily by conservation biologists and naturalists to assess the population trends and distribution of birds. Each Christmas Bird Count is conducted on a single day between December 14 and January 5. Counts are carried out within a 24-km diameter circle that stays the same from year to year. They are organized, usually as group efforts, at the local level.
For bird count in Zone One (HBMO) which stretches from Sprucewood Shores Vineyards to Holiday Beach Conservation Area and from the Lake up to County Road 20, please fell free to contact Bob Hall-Brooks at bhall-brooks@cogeco.ca.Thank you in advance!
For the whole Xmas Bird Count area contact person: hattjeremy@hotmail.com
More info as it becomes available.
ECFNC Member Meeting
Wednesday January 9 2019, Ojibway Nature Centre, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor, ON 7:30pm.
Join us in welcoming Tim Arthur deliver his presentation titled, "Wild Algonquin - Birds and Wildlife of Algonquin Park!"
ERCA Annual General Meeting and Environmental Excellence Awards
Thursday January 24 2019, Council Chambers, Essex Civic Centre, 360 Fairview Avenue west, Essex, ON.
Join Essex Region Conservation for their Annual General Meeting. This event also features their conservation awards, which recognize individuals and organizations for their dedication to local conservation efforts. More details to come.
Tree Planting and Care Workshop
Tuesday January 29 2019, Committee Room C, Essex Civic Centre, 360 Fairview Avenue west, Essex, ON, 6:30pm to 8pm.
This exciting and dynamic workshop hosted by the Essex Region Conservation Authority will discuss ways in which you can get involved in the reforestation of Essex County. Learn about the environmental benefits of tree planting, grants and financial assistance to landowners for planting trees, the different tree planting techniques and the ways to care for your future forests and special shade trees. Click here to register.
How To Crew Tree Planting Workshop
Thursday January 31 2019, Committee Room C, Essex Civic Centre, 360 Fairview Avenue west, Essex, ON, 6:30pm to 8pm.
Calling all tree lovers! We are recruiting members of the How To Crew to take a special role in preparing for Earth Day in 2019. Each year, residents from Windsor-Essex County are invited to plant over 2,000 trees on this special day. The 2019 celebration will take place on Sunday April 28th at the green space near Florence Avenue and Wyandotte Street east in Windsor.The How To Crew works with ERCA staff as the ‘tree planting team. No experience is required! All ages welcome. Click here to register.
World Wetlands Day
February 2 2019
It's World Wetlands Day! Since European settlement, 97% of Windsor-Essex county's wetlands have disappeared. Wetlands improve water quality, provide fish and wildlife habitat, reduce impacts of erosion on shorelines, provide cultural and spiritual significance, help to mitigate climate change, offer recreation and tourism opportunities and so much more! In Ontario, wetlands provide habitat for at least 47 plant and animal species that are identified as “at risk.”
Wetlands are the kidneys of the planet and deserve our protection! What can you do to protect wetlands?
- Keep learning about them by visiting them and grow your appreciation.
- Participate in community restoration projects.
- Consider adopting a wetland each spring to monitor frogs and aquatic birds.
- Attend public presentations by environmental groups who advocate for their protection.
- Teach the young ones about the importance of wetlands.
- Don't litter, or put nasty stuff down the toilet.
- Keep storm sewers clean from litter.
- Report illegal dumping.
- Don't wash your car near a storm sewer.
Shiver on the River
Saturday February 2, 2019, Belle Isle, Detroit, Michigan, 10am to 3pm.
Friends of the Detroit River invites you to have some Family Fun on Belle Isle! Free admission! Main Event held at the Casino Building:
- Exhibits, Displays and Refreshments
- Marshmallow Roasting at the Aquarium
- Environmental Arts and Crafts for Kids
- Pancake Breakfast at the Flynn Pavilon (fee)
- Live Entertainment
Contact Friends of Detroit River for more information.
New Member Orientation Meeting
February 5 2019, 6:30pm, Ojibway Nature Centre, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor, ON
Come and join other new members of our club as we explore the inner workings of our club. The meeting will be hosted by the Membership Committee and will cover the club’s activities, structure, history, and volunteer opportunities. This is a chance to ask questions and provide suggestions for the future. Please RSVP by Jan 31 to carlmaiolani@cogeco.ca or by calling Carl Maiolani at 519-972-1399. Light refreshments will be served.
All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Owl Prowl
Various Dates, Point Pelee National Park, 1118 Point Pelee Drive, Leamington, ON
Discover who, who, who’s out there on an evening adventure with a park interpreter. Join us on February 15 at 7pm, February 16 at 7pm and 9pm and on February 17 at 7pm.
ECFNC Member Meeting
Wednesday February 15 2019, Ojibway Nature Centre, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor, ON 7:30pm.
Join us in welcoming Vic Bernyk, from Native Trees and Plants! More information on his topic coming soon.
Native Trees and Shrubs Winter Identification Walk
Sunday February 17 2019, Ojibway Nature Centre, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor, ON, 2pm.
Native Trees and Shrubs in Winter Identification Walk/workshop lead by Dave Kraus on Sunday February 17, 2019 at 2pm at the Ojibway natural area. Meet outside of the Ojibway Nature Centre by the parking lot (remember to hide valuables and lock your cars!). We will leisurely walk some of the trails, observing wildlife and learning some simple clues that are helpful in distinguishing some of our locally native trees and shrubs when they are leafless. Binoculars will be helpful for both wildlife and tree identification.
Family Day
Monday February 18, 2019, Point Pelee National Park Visitor Centre, 10am to 5pm, 1118 Point Pelee Drive, Leamington, ON
Join us for fun activities for the entire family!
World Wildlife Day
March 2 2019
World Wildlife Day is recognized globally to celebrate and raise awareness for plants and wildlife across the planet. Celebrate flora and fauna today by heading out for a walk at the Ojibway Nature Centre, Point Pelee National Park, along the Little River Corridor, a Conservation Area, the Greenway or any other green space where there is wildlife!
Maple Syrup Festival
Saturday and Sunday March 2/3 2019,
John R. Park Homestead Conservation Area, 915 Essex County Rd 50, Essex, ON
Wear your boots to Essex County's premier Maple Syrup Festival. Make maple taffy in the snow and see syrup being made the pioneer way. Learn the science of maple. Pure maple products for sale. $4 per child, $6 per adult, $20 family maximum. More details to come.
Maple March Break
March 11 to 15 2019, John R. Park Homestead Conservation Area, 915 Essex County Rd 50, Essex, ON
Arrive early, dress warmly, and wear boots. Tour the site with a costumed guide and discover the sweet process of maple syrup and sugar making in the pioneer method. Help carry the sap using pails and a wooden yoke. Try your hand at the brace and bit drill. See the trees tapped and the sap evaporating. Learn the history of this sweet springtime treat as you help to make and taste maple sugar. Pay at the door. $4/child, $6/adult, $20 family maximum. More details to come.
ECFNC Member Meeting
March 13 2019, Ojibway Nature Centre, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor, ON 7:30pm.
Elections, a review of the previous year’s budget and minutes, with a fun quiz throughout. Held at 7:30pm at the Ojibway Nature Centre.
World Water Day
March 22 2019
World Water Day, on 22 March every year, is about focusing attention on the importance of water. Windsor-Essex County is surrounded by water with many watersheds! What can you do to help improve the health of our lakes and rivers?
ECFNC Member Meeting
Wednesday April 10 2019, Ojibway Nature Centre, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor, ON 7:30pm.
Join us in welcoming Tammie Dobbie from Point Pelee National Park! More information on her topic coming soon.
Earth Day
April 22 2019
This year's Earth Day theme is "Protect Our Species." A sustainable future is one where the rights of all species to exist in their natural habitat, at the population size nexessary to maintain their species and genetic variation is recognized. To learn more about threats to species on a global level click here. |
Earth Day Community Tree Planting Celebration
Sunday April 28 2019, green space near Wyandotte and Florence, Windsor, ON, 10am to 12pm.
Grab your shovels and join the DRCC and Essex Region Conservation on Sunday April 22nd to celebrate Earth Day and help plant more than 2,000 native trees and shrubs in the Little River Watershed in the City of Windsor! While there are some shovels to share, you may consider bringing your own to this free event. More details to come.
ECFNC Member Meeting
Wednesday May 8 2019, Ojibway Nature Centre, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor, ON 7:30pm.
Topic and speaker coming soon.
International Migratory Bird Day
May 11 2019
This day highlights the need to conserve migratory birds and protect their
habitats. (After 25 years, the name of this event has shifted from International World
Migratory Bird Day to World Migratory Bird Day!) Celebrate WMBD by visiting Point Pelee National Park and Hillman Marsh Conservation Area to catch some of the spring migration happening! |
World Biodiversity Day
May 22 2019
The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 The International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues.Essex County faces many ecological challenges, as it is part of one of the most populated corridors in Canada. As well, it is part of the unique ecoregion, the Carolinian Life Zone. This region is only 1% of Canada’s total land mass, but is home to more flora and fauna species than any other area in Canada.
Essex County is home to an estimated 2,200 species of herbaceous plants, 64 species of ferns, 110 species of grasses, over 130 species of sedges and 70 species of trees. Over 400 species of birds have been recorded in this area, which is over half found in Canada (Carolinian Canada, 2006). Celebrate World Biodiversity Day by getting outside and learning about our natural heritage in Windsor-Essex! |
World Turtle Day
May 23 2019
Shellebrate World Turtle Day today! In May 2018, COSEWIC designated the Midland Painted Turtle as Special Concern. This meant that all of Ontario's eight turtle species are now at risk of disappearing from Ontario ( article link). How can you help?
- Reduce turtle road mortality by driving with caution in their habitat range, and keep an eye for wildlife corssing signs along roadways.
- If you see a turtle, consider submitting the sighting to the Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas (ontarionature.org/atlas).
- Keep learning about turtles in Ontario and check out this great page here, from the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre.
ECFNC Member Meeting
Wednesday June 12 2019, Ojibway Nature Centre, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor, ON 7:30pm.
Join us in welcoming Larry Cornelis. who will discuss native plants and pollinators! More information on his topic coming soon.
About Us
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club is a non-profit, open-to-the-public volunteer organization that focuses on promoting the conservation and restoration of the diverse natural heritage of Essex County and the surrounding region. We also strive to provide educational opportunities for the people of Essex County to become acquainted with and better understand the natural environment. |
Contact Us
Essex County Field Naturalists’ Club
c/o Ojibway Nature Centre
5200 Matchette Rd.
Windsor On,
N9C 4E8
Except for our annual dinner in November, monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm at Ojibway Nature Center, 5200 Matchette Road, Windsor. All are welcome! We also have monthly outings posted in the ‘Events’ section of this newsletter as well as on our website. |
Ontario Nature Liaison: Steve Marks
ERCA Liaison: Gina Pannunzio
Bluebird Committee: Don Bissonnette
Ojibway Liaison: Carl Maiolani
Citizens Environment Alliance Liaison: Andy Paul
Canada South Land Trust Liaison: Dave Kraus
Detroit River Canadian Cleanup Liaison: Gina Pannunzio and Steve Marks |
Egret Editorial: Kory Renaud (acting)
Field Trips: Alexis Hand (chair), Ian Woodfield, Amy Weinz Junior Naturalists: Kory Renaud, Andy Paul, Jeremy Bensette, Sarah Renaud
Heritage: JoAnn Grondin (coordinator), Dave Kraus, Betty Learmouth, Jim McAllister, Gerry Waldron, Shirley Grondin, Cathy Lapain, Rachel Hasson
Little River Enhancement Group: Ian Naisbitt (chair)
Fish Book: Dave Kraus
Website & Social Media: Kory Renaud
Membership: Jeremy Hatt (chair), Paula O’Rourke, Carl Maiolani, Sam Dundas |
Your annual membership fees help to support the local efforts of the club. To learn more about becoming a member, please contact our membership secretary, Carl Maiolani.
- Receive the quarterly newsletter The Egret via email
- Enjoy guest speakers at the monthly meetings
- Explore our natural heritage with a guide
- Help restore and protect Essex County’s natural heritag
Online Payment Option
Join or renew your membership online at www.essexcountynature.com/membership
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